Become a Member

The Maryland Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics offers a Supporter or Subscriber Status for those who would like to be involved in the Maryland Academy but are not otherwise eligible for membership in this Affiliate:

  • Subscriber:  Open to individuals otherwise ineligible for Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics membership.  An example of an individual eligible for this type of membership would be a physician, nurse or other health-care professional who wishes to keep abreast in the field of nutrition.  According to Academy and Maryland Academy bylaws, Subscribers of the Maryland Academy may not vote in elections, hold office, or serve as a committee chair, nor may they receive recognition or Academy member benefits and services.  Subscribers may attend Maryland Academy Board Meetings by invitation only.
  • Supporter:  Because Academy members can only formally join one affiliate due to the rebate format and database infrastructure, The Maryland Academy has developed a Supporter category, which allows Academy members to join this Affiliate as a secondary member.  According to Academy and Maryland Academy bylaws, Supporters would not be eligible for elected office or to vote in affiliate elections.


Both Subscriber and Supporter Status includes: discounted fee for the Maryland Academy Annual Meeting, special mailings and access to member-only website content; bi-weekly e-blast updates, access to webinar and CEU opportunities.  In addition, Supporters may be included in Legislative Events and Maryland Academy Board Meetings.

Annual Dues:

  • Supporter: $50
  • Subscriber: $150

Application Process:

Interested persons may complete an application for Supporter Membership here! If you are interested in becoming a Subscriber please email the Executive Director at All applications are subject to approval by the Maryland Academy Board of Directors. The Maryland Academy may reject any application for Subscriber/Supporter Status or revoke status at any time without notice. Both Subscribers and Supporters are required to adhere to Maryland Academy bylaws, policies & procedures, code of ethics and other membership restrictions set forth in this policy. 

Dues Collection:

Dues must be paid with the initial application and are payable in US dollars. Payments may be made via credit card or check (payable to Maryland Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics). Dues are not prorated, refundable or transferable. Annual dues must be paid by June 1, the start of our fiscal year. Invoices for annual renewal will be sent at least 30 days in advance of the beginning of the fiscal year. 

Inclusion in Database: 

A database of Subscribers and Supporters will be kept and maintained by the Membership Chair.  These members will be added into the e-blast database's "Auxiliary Members" category. 

MAND Supporter Member Application

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