Advocacy Day


Advocacy Day 2024

Date: Tuesday, 2/7/2024
Location: Historic Inns of Annapolis; Maryland Inn



Tickets via Eventbrite are here


As nutrition professionals, advocacy is our responsibility and we must take action in order to achieve the profession's goals, maintain licensure and our scope, modernize practice, protect the consumer and promote MAND's vision of optimizing the health and wellbeing of Marylanders through food, nutrition, and policy. We have the ability to influence policy maker’s decisions to support bills and future policies that will promote health and reduce the burden of chronic disease on a large scale. We need to take an active role in building relationships with legislators to gain their support. Join us this February! More information here




Historical Advocacy Day & State Legislative Workshop Information


MAND Advocacy Day 2023

MAND 2023 Advocacy Day Agenda Harry Browne’s, Annapolis, MD February 21, 2023

There was no MAND Advocacy Day in 2022

Advocacy Day 2021 

Please access the recording here. Click on the presentation titles below to access the slides.

If you would like to obtain CEU for the recording (approved for 7 hours - 175 activity type), please contact MAND for payment.

Recording Timing:

0:00 - 1:23 Welcome: Helene Fletcher, RD, LDN
1:23 - 41:20 Intro to Policy Workshop: Susan O’Malley, MS, RD, LDN MAND State Policy Representative
41:20 - 2:04:15 State Legislative Update: Daniel Shattuck and Barbara Marx Brocato, MAND lobbyists
2:04:49 - 3:09:00 Regulatory Update: Glenda Lindsey, DR.PH, MS, RD, LDN, Arnetta Fletcher, PhD, RDN, LDN, and Barbara Hoffstein, RD
3:10:44 - 4:10:06 Federal Legislation Update: Nate Stritzinger, MPH, RDN
4:11:14 - 4:40:35 Progress of the Maryland State Advisory Council on Health and Wellness: Jessica Kiel, RDN, LDN, CPT, CCRP
4:52:30 - 5:44:20 Academy Chairperson Diversity, Equity, Inclusiveness Committee: Mary Lee Chin, MS, RDN
5:45:50 - end Advocacy 365 – How to keep the Momentum: Carolyn Westcott

Interested in MAND testimonials to the past session bills? Please click here to see what our positions are.

State Legislative Workshop 2019 

Maryland Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (MAND) State Legislative Interactive Workshop (SLIW) 2019, is where Licensed Registered Dietitian/Nutritionists working and/or living in Maryland came together in Annapolis, Maryland to visit their legislators as an annual CPEU event! February 13, 2019, during a pleasant but cool day, the hard work and long hours from our over 70 MAND members in attendance came together as one-RD’s, DTR’s, dietetic students and interns alike attended over 40 legislative appointments with their Maryland state senators and delegates, participated in a hearing in either the Senate or House of Delegate building, and educated our state legislators on bills concerning the future of dietetics and nutrition. 

Slideshow of fun memories from SLIW 2019!

State Legislative Workshop 2018

Maryland Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (MAND) State Legislative Interactive Workshop (SLIW) 2018, is where Licensed Registered Dietitian/Nutritionists working and/or living in Maryland come together in Annapolis, Maryland to visit their legislators as an annual CPEU event! This past February 21, 2018, in an unseasonably warm day of almost 80 degrees, the hard work and long hours from our 84 MAND members in attendance came together as one-RD’s, DTR’s, dietetic students and interns alike attended over 40 legislative appointments with their Maryland state senators and delegates, participated in a hearing in either the Senate or House of Delegate building, educated our state legislators on bills concerning the future of dietetics and nutrition, and executed the annual Apple Crunch Challenge-which involves both the legislator and attendee taking a bite into an apple to symbolize a promise to make the good health of Maryland citizens a high priority as viewed on our twitter feed #MANDSLIW.

Last but not least, we had several cookbooks and a gift card to Target as door prizes during the event.

A recap of the day from University of Maryland Dietetic Internship in a blog can be viewed at


Past Advocacy Day (formerly State Legislative Workshop) Memories!

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