MD Dietetics in Health Care Communities DPG

Maryland Dietetics in Health Care Communities

Maryland Dietetics in Health Care Communities (MD-DHCC) is a State Dietetic Practice Group. Any Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics member automatically qualifies to become a member, once they pay nominal state practice group dues ($15 per person/ year). Dues are used to underwrite the MD-DHCC member database and allow for reduced fees at MD-DHCC workshops. Our members serve clients, provide leadership in practice, and are committed to the nutrition, health, and safety of individuals in a variety of settings, which include: Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF) & Nursing Homes

  • Assisted Living Facilities (ALF)
  • Continuum Care Communities
  • Correctional Facilities
  • Dietetics Private Practice
  • Food Companies

State practice groups fall under the jurisdiction of the State Affiliate Association. We currently have approximately 100 MD DHCC members. We provide continuing education for members. Each year we sponsor a Fall workshop, a Spring workshop and a mid-year Networking event.

Mission: Empower MD DHCC members to be food and nutrition leaders

Vision: MD DHCC members optimize the nation’s health through food and nutrition.

Please go to the MD-DHCC website for more information and for information about their Fall and Spring Workshops:

Find A Dietitian

Click here to find a Maryland dietitian near you.

Find A Speaker

Click here to find a speaker.
